- Indigenous adults returning to society from incarceration
- Disadvantaged Indigenous youth with a focus on unemployed and under-employed youth.
- Indigenous Australian Youth with Alcohol and drug addiction or substance abuse
- Youth with a mental illness
- All Women affected or suffering from domestic violence.
- Aboriginal people are massively overrepresented in the criminal justice system of Australia. They represent only 3% of the total population, yet more than 28% of Australia’s prison population are Aboriginal. Supporting them by connecting them to culture will reduce recidivism.
- To address the disparity between Indigenous Australians and Non Indigenous Australians as a high number of Aboriginal people are not participating in the labour force (44.1%), double the figure for non-Aboriginal people
- To provide support towards partnerships and pathways to reduce reliance on addiction and to reduce the flow on effect of homelessness. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have four times the rate of homelessness compared to other Australians.
- To provide connection to the wider communities resources and connectivity to cultural engagement in their Country, to help bridge the significant and recognised gap between Indigenous Australians and Australians. This can occur through the provision of traditional and natural healing, provided in a safe space for people to connect.
First Nations Allies – who we work with focusing on learning, understanding, building relationships, and community engagement.
One of the group’s first projects highlights our business allies and why we chose to align with them.
One of the group’s first projects highlights our business allies and why we chose to align with them.
To promote reconciliation and welcome non-Indigenous people to learn about, celebrate, and support Aboriginal Australia in sparking conversations and partnerships that matter and make a difference.